Read more about the article The Bubble
Vancouver Commercial Property Management

The Bubble

It is the lazy property manager’s mantra that, “no news is good news.”    It never ceases to be surprising how often you can arrive to a site and see something…

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Read more about the article Know Thy Landlord
Commercial Property Management

Know Thy Landlord

Our first priority in property management is ensuring that we are doing the best job possible for our clients/landlords (it might seem simple, but it really does boil down to just that).  Consequently, aligning yourself…

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Save The Bridge

As property managers, one of our underlying goals is to have as many positive relationships as possible.  However, despite our best efforts to be “professional problem solvers” who find win-win solutions leaving everyone happy, there will always be…

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Read more about the article A Good Place to Eat Lunch
commercial property management

A Good Place to Eat Lunch

As conscientious property managers, we take pride in being physically present on site often; whether its scheduling an appointment with a tenant (instead of emailing), dropping by unannounced, or doing the Property Manager Special (which is our way of describing a quick, 30-second drive through of the property.  Side note: we have yet…

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